Osprey, the Fish Hawk
Osprey |
The Osprey
(Pandion haliaetus) is a common bird in most of Canada. It is a summer resident and breeds here. It arrives in mid-to-late April and stays until late summer or early fall. It winters where there is open water with a population of fish. Most migrate to Florida, California, Mexico and Central America. Ospreys occur all over the world except for Antarctica.
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The Osprey is an easy species to identify. It is large (60 cm/25 in long) with a wingspan of 160 cm/65 in. It holds its wings in a 'W' (or 'M') formation while in flight. It is mainly white beneath with black carpal marks on the underwings (areas at the wrist). It looks a bit gull-like in flight. The upperside is all dark including the rump and tail. At close range you can see the white cap on the head and the dark stripe through the yellow eye. It is a conspicuous bird which frequently vocalizes its distinctive whistle.
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The Osprey eats fish almost exclusively. It catches them by hovering over the water or plunging head-first in to catch them. Its beak is very hooked and it has specialized feet for holding fish. The talons are hooked and their toes are large with rough, barbed soles enabling them to hold on to slippery, wriggling fish. They are often seen flying with a fish in their talons. They always fly with the fish pointing in the direction in which they are headed, making it more aerodynamic. They also have a large wing proportion for their weight which enables them to carry their large, heavy prey.
Ospreys became the 'poster child' for the devastation done by DDT-use in the 1950s and 1960s. Their populations plummeted especially along the Atlantic coast. The banning of DDT and the establishment of conservation programs like providing nest-platforms resulted in a wonderful comeback.
Ospreys build large stick nests on platforms, dead trees, power poles or channel markers over water. Three pink or white eggs marked with olive or brown are laid. Both adults carry out the 35-40 day incubation. Not all the eggs hatch at once. There is usually about 5 days between the hatching of the first to the last chick.
Osprey on Nest |
The Latin name for this raptor is derived from Greek. 'Hals' means salt or sea and 'aetos' means eagle, sea eagle. It is the only raptor which feeds exclusively on live fish. An interesting trait of this species is its reversible toe! It can grasp the fish either with 3 toes in front and one in back or 2 in front and 2 in back. The outer toe is reversible. This makes flight with a heavy fish more stable.
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