Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Crow Communication

American Crow on Feeding Platform

The American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) is an interesting species.  It has abilities that are surprising.  Many studies have been done but some of their behaviour is still unexplained.  The following was observed by me recently.

Crow Communication

On the early morning of July 27, 2020 I was listening to the local crows communicating.  A single crow near our house was calling and being answered by a more distant crow. The local crow ‘cawed’ 4 times and was immediately answered by the more distant crow with 4 'caws' . The local crow then cawed 5 times and was answered by the more distant crow 5 times. That pattern repeated; local crow 6 times and answered with 6 caws; local crow 7 caws and answered with 7 caws. That went on in order through 8 and 9 caws. After a brief rest the local crow started again with 6 caws and was immediately answered with 6 caws. Next, 7 caws to be answered with 7 caws. This pattern continued through 8, 9, 10 and 11 caws. The answering crow did not make any mistakes until it got to 10 where it paused slightly, dividing the answer into 2 groups.  At 11, mistakes were made and the answering crow replied hesitantly with only 9 caws at which point the local crow ceased the exercise.

I was amazed by this display of repetitive behaviour and also by the ability of the local crow to keep increasing its delivery by one caw. I wonder if the local crow was an adult and the answering crow a juvenile or perhaps a mate. I would love to know more about crow communication and their behaviour. Crows truly are amazing.

American Crows Waiting for 'Breakfast' (Feeder) on a Wintery Morning

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